import sys
import itertools
import json
import typing
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
from random import choice
from abc import ABC
from optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer
from estimators import structure_estimator as se
import structure_graph.network_graph as ng
class HillClimbing(Optimizer):
Optimizer class that implement Hill Climbing Search
:param node_id: current node's id
:type node_id: string
:param structure_estimator: a structure estimator object with the information about the net
:type structure_estimator: class:'StructureEstimator'
:param max_parents: maximum number of parents for each variable. If None, disabled, default to None
:type max_parents: int, optional
:param iterations_number: maximum number of optimization algorithm's iteration, default to 40
:type iterations_number: int, optional
:param patience: number of iteration without any improvement before to stop the search.If None, disabled, default to None
:type patience: int, optional
def __init__(self,
structure_estimator: se.StructureEstimator,
max_parents:int = None,
iterations_number:int= 40,
patience:int = None
super().__init__(node_id, structure_estimator)
self.max_parents = max_parents
self.iterations_number = iterations_number
self.patience = patience
def optimize_structure(self) -> typing.List:
Compute Optimization process for a structure_estimator by using a Hill Climbing Algorithm
:return: the estimated structure for the node
:rtype: List
#'Create the graph for the single node'
graph = ng.NetworkGraph(self.structure_estimator._sample_path.structure)
'get the index for the current node'
node_index = self.structure_estimator._sample_path._structure.get_node_indx(self.node_id)
'list of prior edges'
prior_parents = set()
'Add the edges from prior knowledge'
for i in range(len(self.structure_estimator._removable_edges_matrix)):
if not self.structure_estimator._removable_edges_matrix[i][node_index]:
parent_id= self.structure_estimator._sample_path._structure.get_node_id(i)
'Add the node to the starting structure'
graph.add_edges([(parent_id, self.node_id)])
'get all the possible parents'
other_nodes = [node for node in
self.structure_estimator._sample_path.structure.nodes_labels if
node != self.node_id and
not prior_parents.__contains__(node)]
actual_best_score = self.structure_estimator.get_score_from_graph(graph,self.node_id)
patince_count = 0
for i in range(self.iterations_number):
'choose a new random edge'
current_new_parent = choice(other_nodes)
current_edge = (current_new_parent,self.node_id)
added = False
parent_removed = None
if graph.has_edge(current_edge):
'check the max_parents constraint'
if self.max_parents is not None:
parents_list = graph.get_parents_by_id(self.node_id)
if len(parents_list) >= self.max_parents :
parent_removed = (choice(parents_list), self.node_id)
added = True
current_score = self.structure_estimator.get_score_from_graph(graph,self.node_id)
if current_score > actual_best_score:
'update current best score'
actual_best_score = current_score
patince_count = 0
'undo the last update'
if added:
'If a parent was removed, add it again to the graph'
if parent_removed is not None:
'update patience count'
patince_count += 1
if self.patience is not None and patince_count > self.patience:
print(f"finito variabile: {self.node_id}")
return graph.edges