mirror of https://gitlab.com/meliurwen/dotfiles
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
# Core utilities |
curl |
wget |
git |
stow |
nano |
htop |
iotop |
nload |
# Non-essential but very useful program |
zsh |
tlp |
iwconfig |
haveged # Useful for some programs at boot that needs a good entropy |
# Drivers |
firmware-iwlwifi # Module for Intel wifi cards |
firmware-misc-nonfree # Intel graphics driver |
network-manager # Automatically handle network connections |
# Audio and brightness |
brightnessctl |
pulseaudio |
alsa-utils |
# X Server |
xinit # startx and xinit |
xwallpaper |
xserver-xorg-video-intel |
# Desktop core apps |
i3-wm |
i3lock |
polybar |
rofi |
dunst |
picom |
rxvt-unicode |
pavucontrol |
nemo |
network-manager-gnome |
# Desktop core utilites |
mpv |
sxiv |
gedit |
mousepad |
zathura |
deepin-screenshot |
# Useful apps |
chromium |
gimp |
inkscape |
telegram-desktop |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
rndis_host |
iwlwifi |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
.dependencies |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
# .dotfiles |
## Dependencies |
Install from a file list: |
> **Note:** comments and trailing comments starting with `#` are ignored |
```sh |
apt-get install $(grep -vE "^\s*#" <FILEPATH> | sed -e 's/#.*//' | tr "\n" " ") |
``` |
## Kernel Modules |
Add modules to the Linux kernel: |
```sh |
modprobe <module> |
``` |
## Shell |
Take note of the full path of your favorurite shell: |
```sh |
type -a zsh |
``` |
Set it as default: |
```sh |
chsh -s /bin/zsh |
``` |
## Fonts |
Reload locally (`~/.local/share/fonts`) installed fonts: |
```sh |
fc-cache -f -v |
``` |
## Gnome settings |
Dump an entire subpath of the dconf database: |
```sh |
dconf dump <dir_subpath_inside_db> > <settings_file>.dconf |
``` |
Populate a subpath of the dconf database: |
```sh |
cat <settings_file>.dconf | dconf load <dir_subpath_inside_db> |
``` |
## VSCode/Codium |
List all extensions into a file: |
```sh |
codium --list-extensions > codium-extensions.list |
``` |
Install all the extensions listed into a file (any line that starts with `#` will get ignored): |
```sh |
cat codium-extensions.txt | grep -v '^#' | xargs -L1 codium --install-extension |
``` |
## Stow |
```sh |
stow --restow --no-folding <DIR> |
``` |
Reference in new issue