Old engine for Continuous Time Bayesian Networks. Superseded by reCTBN. 🐍
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import sys
import itertools
import json
import typing
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
from abc import ABC
import abc
import utility.cache as ch
import structure_graph.conditional_intensity_matrix as condim
import structure_graph.network_graph as ng
import estimators.parameters_estimator as pe
import structure_graph.sample_path as sp
import structure_graph.structure as st
class StructureEstimator(ABC):
Has the task of estimating the network structure given the trajectories in samplepath.
:sample_path: the sample_path object containing the trajectories and the real structure
:nodes: the nodes labels
:nodes_vals: the nodes cardinalities
:nodes_indxs: the nodes indexes
:complete_graph: the complete directed graph built using the nodes labels in nodes
:cache: the cache object
def __init__(self, sample_path: sp.SamplePath, known_edges: typing.List = None):
self._sample_path = sample_path
self.nodes = np.array(self._sample_path.structure.nodes_labels)
self.nodes_vals = self._sample_path.structure.nodes_values
self.nodes_indxs = self._sample_path.structure.nodes_indexes
self._removable_edges_matrix = self.build_removable_edges_matrix(known_edges)
self.complete_graph = self.build_complete_graph(self._sample_path.structure.nodes_labels)
self.cache = ch.Cache()
def build_removable_edges_matrix(self, known_edges: typing.List):
"""Builds a boolean matrix who shows if a edge could be removed or not, based on prior knowledge given:
:param known_edges: the list of nodes labels
:type known_edges: List
:return: a boolean matrix
:rtype: np.ndarray
tot_vars_count = self._sample_path.total_variables_count
complete_adj_matrix = np.full((tot_vars_count, tot_vars_count), True)
if known_edges:
for edge in known_edges:
i = self._sample_path.structure.get_node_indx(edge[0])
j = self._sample_path.structure.get_node_indx(edge[1])
complete_adj_matrix[i][j] = False
return complete_adj_matrix
def build_complete_graph(self, node_ids: typing.List):
"""Builds a complete directed graph (no self loops) given the nodes labels in the list ``node_ids``:
:param node_ids: the list of nodes labels
:type node_ids: List
:return: a complete Digraph Object
:rtype: networkx.DiGraph
complete_graph = nx.DiGraph()
complete_graph.add_edges_from(itertools.permutations(node_ids, 2))
return complete_graph
def generate_possible_sub_sets_of_size(self, u: typing.List, size: int, parent_label: str):
"""Creates a list containing all possible subsets of the list ``u`` of size ``size``,
that do not contains a the node identified by ``parent_label``.
:param u: the list of nodes
:type u: List
:param size: the size of the subsets
:type size: int
:param parent_label: the node to exclude in the subsets generation
:type parent_label: string
:return: an Iterator Object containing a list of lists
:rtype: Iterator
list_without_test_parent = u[:]
return map(list, itertools.combinations(list_without_test_parent, size))
def save_results(self):
"""Save the estimated Structure to a .json file in the path where the data are loaded from.
The file is named as the input dataset but the `results_` word is appended to the results file.
res = json_graph.node_link_data(self.complete_graph)
name = self._sample_path.importer.file_path.rsplit('/',1)[-1]
name = '../results_' + name
with open(name, 'w+') as f:
json.dump(res, f)
def remove_diagonal_elements(self, matrix):
m = matrix.shape[0]
strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
s0, s1 = matrix.strides
return strided(matrix.ravel()[1:], shape=(m - 1, m), strides=(s0 + s1, s1)).reshape(m, -1)
def estimate_structure(self) -> typing.List:
"""Abstract method to estimate the structure
:return: List of estimated edges
:rtype: Typing.List
def adjacency_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Converts the estimated structure ``_complete_graph`` to a boolean adjacency matrix representation.
:return: The adjacency matrix of the graph ``_complete_graph``
:rtype: numpy.ndArray
return nx.adj_matrix(self._complete_graph).toarray().astype(bool)
def spurious_edges(self) -> typing.List:
"""Return the spurious edges present in the estimated structure, if a prior net structure is present in
:return: A list containing the spurious edges
:rtype: List
if not self._sample_path.has_prior_net_structure:
raise RuntimeError("Can not compute spurious edges with no prior net structure!")
real_graph = nx.DiGraph()
return nx.difference(real_graph, self._complete_graph).edges
def save_plot_estimated_structure_graph(self) -> None:
"""Plot the estimated structure in a graphical model style.
Spurious edges are colored in red.
graph_to_draw = nx.DiGraph()
spurious_edges = self.spurious_edges()
non_spurious_edges = list(set(self._complete_graph.edges) - set(spurious_edges))
edges_colors = ['red' if edge in spurious_edges else 'black' for edge in self._complete_graph.edges]
pos = nx.spring_layout(graph_to_draw, k=0.5*1/np.sqrt(len(graph_to_draw.nodes())), iterations=50,scale=10)
options = {
"node_size": 2000,
"node_color": "white",
"edgecolors": "black",
'connectionstyle': 'arc3, rad = 0.1',
"arrowsize": 15,
"arrowstyle": '<|-',
"width": 1,
nx.draw(graph_to_draw, pos, **options)
ax = plt.gca()
name = self._sample_path._importer.file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
name = name.split('.', 1)[0]
name += '_' + str(self._sample_path._importer.dataset_id())
name += '.png'
print("Estimated Structure Plot Saved At: ", os.path.abspath(name))