import abstract_importer as imp import structure as st import trajectory as tr import sys sys.path.append('./classes/') class SamplePath: """Aggregates all the informations about the trajectories, the real structure of the sampled net and variables cardinalites. Has the task of creating the objects ``Trajectory`` and ``Structure`` that will contain the mentioned data. :param importer: the Importer objects that will import ad process data :type importer: AbstractImporter :_trajectories: the ``Trajectory`` object that will contain all the concatenated trajectories :_structure: the ``Structure`` Object that will contain all the structurral infos about the net :_total_variables_count: the number of variables in the net """ def __init__(self, importer: imp.AbstractImporter): """Constructor Method """ self._importer = importer self._trajectories = None self._structure = None self._total_variables_count = None self._importer.import_data() def build_trajectories(self) -> None: """Builds the Trajectory object that will contain all the trajectories. Clears all the unused dataframes in ``_importer`` Object """ self._trajectories = \ tr.Trajectory(self._importer.build_list_of_samples_array(self._importer.concatenated_samples), len(self._importer.sorter) + 1) self._importer.clear_concatenated_frame() def build_structure(self) -> None: """ Builds the ``Structure`` object that aggregates all the infos about the net. """ if self._importer.sorter != self._importer.variables.iloc[:, 0].to_list(): raise RuntimeError("The Dataset columns order have to match the order of labels in the variables Frame!") self._total_variables_count = len(self._importer.sorter) labels = self._importer.variables.iloc[:, 0].to_list() indxs = self._importer.variables.index.to_numpy() vals = self._importer.variables.iloc[:, 1].to_numpy() edges = list(self._importer.structure.to_records(index=False)) self._structure = st.Structure(labels, indxs, vals, edges, self._total_variables_count) @property def trajectories(self) -> tr.Trajectory: return self._trajectories @property def structure(self) -> st.Structure: return self._structure @property def total_variables_count(self): return self._total_variables_count