#!/bin/sh if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then echo "This script should be run as root. Aborting..." > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi # # Following this guide: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/ # echo "Updating apt package index..." apt-get update > /dev/null echo "Installing prerequisites..." apt-get -q -y -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 install apt-transport-https gnupg2 curl echo "Adding Kubernetes' repo key..." curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add - echo "Adding Kubernetes repo..." echo "deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list echo "Updating apt package index again..." apt-get update > /dev/null echo "Installing 'kubectl'..." apt-get -q -y -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 install kubectl # TODO: the command `kubectl cluster-info` gives an error and the script # provided from the docs gives an error. In the docs they are make # some sort of assumption that I cannot still figure out. # Ffs this is an entry level doc and they already start to omit not # obvious stuff... sorry for not owning a magic crystal ball. >:( # THIS, is a quality doc: # https://www.valent-blog.eu/2019/01/01/installare-kubernetes-in-debian-9/ # The lines below comes from this doc. echo "Installing 'kubelet' and 'kubeadm'..." apt-get -q -y -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 install kubelet kubeadm echo "Marking in hold the packages 'kubectl', 'kubelet' and 'kubeadm' in order to prevent them to update in the future..." apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl echo "Reloading systemd and restarting 'kubelet' service" systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart kubelet # I guess these are the base images of kubernetes (?) echo "Pulling some base images.." kubeadm config images pull